16 Inch Blue Bubble Water Pipes Double Tree Perc Big Heady Glass Bongs
This huge glass bong includes double 4-arm tree percolator inside to diffuse the smoke. the tree perc offers many different branches with tiny slats, you’re likely to get hundreds of tiny bubbles with a properly functioning tree percolator. Expect clean hits with a pipe that uses a tree perc; the harshness of smoke may not hit you as hard, but you may end up missing out on some of your flower or concentrate’s natural flavors. We recommend the tree perc to smokers who prefer a utilitarian approach to their smoking seshes, and are looking for a way to get hit after successful hit without having to worry about the taste of their hit. It’s also great for beginner smokers who have strong lung capabilities but still want to avoid the dreaded smoker’s cough.
This cool Big Bong will be your daily driver in no time. It features double bubble base for bigger space and a standout appearance. The double bubble base style bottom makes this unique bong extremely popular among stoners. The ice catchers (ice pinchs) as a way to cool down your smoke. This water pipe just approves of it before smoke reach your lungs to give you an even cooler and better smoking experience provided by such a best big bong.
This perc bong is made with heady glass at 16 inch tall, abd available in two colors green and blue.
What's Included
1x bong
What's Included
1x bowl
What's Included
1x Diffused Downstem
18mm female joint
16.5 inch
Net Weight
Net Weight
Base Width
Base Width
3.5 inch
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