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Dab Rigs & Wax Rigs

Dab rigs or oil rigs (sometimes called wax rigs), are concentrate pipes - a type of water pipe designed specifically the use of waxes and oils or "dabs".  WD420 Glass has the best selection of glass dab rigs for sale, your new favorite dab rig is just a click away - with free shipping worldwide.

We’ve also got a huge variety of recycler dab rigs, favored by dabbers because they are designed to keep your water and vapor constantly moving within the glass for minimum drag and max flavor. Make the most of your honey, budder and shatter with a special dab rig. These water pipes are designed to diffuse heat, not provide intense filtration, to offer dabbers an easy pull and to maximize the favor of their concentrates.

Finding the cool dab rig could be difficult, but we've tried to make the process a bit easier.  We've curated a selection of the highest quality borosilicate glass rigs, and have a wide selection of dab tools to go with your rig purchase - from carb caps, to titanium nails and quartz bangers, to various dabber tools & almost anything for dabs.

What you need to know about Dab Rigs & Setups

Dab rigs are another way to smoke weed. Cannabis concentrates are used with a dab rig instead of ground herb. Dabbing rigs are made with smaller chambers and percolators than a bong. Dab rigs come in various designs and styles, and dab accessories can vary depending on your preferred dab setup.

What is a Dab Rig?

A dab rig or wax rig is made for use with concentrates rather than ground herb. Concentrates require less water filtration and are more flavorful when filtered through a smaller water pipe than a giant bong, so dab rigs tend to be smaller than bongs. Rigs are made to be fitted with quartz bangers that can be heated to vaporize concentrates.

Why use a wax rig? Does dabbing get you higher?

Dabbing is a more effective way of using cannabis than smoking or vaporizing dried cannabis flowers. Compared to dry flowers, concentrates are much more potent, with specific concentrates surpassing 80% or even 90% THC.

Point blank; dabs get you higher than smoking weed. Potency is the main attraction for many people to try dabs, but there are many reasons why dabs are considered superior to the traditional ground herb.

Taste is a huge reason why people enjoy dabbing. The terpene concentration in dabs is highly flavorful, and most first-time dabbers experience an explosion of cannabinoid flavors along with the significant upgrade in potency.

It's also important to note that dabbing does not combust the material placed into the banger when done correctly. As dabs melt, the THC and terpenes vaporize. Dabbing is a much purer form of inhalation than combustion, which has tons of particulate and carbons in it that you don't want to breathe.

Depending on your usage levels, dabs can last a lot longer than dried cannabis because of the smaller amount of dabs required to get you blazed.

What are the best Dab Rigs?

Choosing the best dab rig is all about your specific preferences. There is no one best dab rig in the world, but there are many dab rigs out there that are perfect for you, depending on your tastes and particular preferences.

One of the crazy dab rigs to start dabbing with is a banger hanger. A small dab rig, banger hanger, or mini rig is a good oil rig to begin your collection. A banger hanger-style rig is elevated by the quality of the quartz banger connected to it. 

Quartz bangers are dab nails if you still happen to use that phrase. Quartz or ceramic is the most preferred dab heating element, but titanium is still used for some setups like Mininails and other e-nails. 

The most important things to consider about a quartz banger are the joint size of your dab rig and the angle the banger will hang. Most dab rigs feature a female joint that takes either a 14 millimeter or 10-millimeter banger.

The next most important aspect of a quartz banger for a dab rig is the angle it hangs from the rig. Most will be a straight 90-degree bend, but some rigs have a 45-degree angle.

Think about where you will be using your wax rig. You may be moving your glass rig often, or it may sit at home on your desk to be used reliably every day. We offer dab rigs made for transport and large, elaborate rigs that are champions of design and functionality. Color and style matter; this is your rig, you should be proud of it. You'll find just the dab rig setup you want in our curated collection.

What are the different types of Dab Rigs?

Several dab rigs range from the basic banger hanger to the complex recyclers with multiple percolation tubes.

  • Dab Straws - Also often referred to as Nectar Collectors, dab straws are the most straightforward glass pipe you can use to dab. A straight glass piece with a mouthpiece and narrow tip that is heated and placed into dabs to get a hit.
  • E-Rigs - Electronic dab rigs do all the work for you. Wondrous inventions like the Puffco Peak are fine-tuned to reach the ideal temperature and vaporize your dabs with mechanical precision. 
  • Recycler dab rigsOften seen as the pinnacle of modern dab design, recycler rigs are complex and impressive. Recycler rigs have a unique percolation system that keeps water constantly moving to create never-ending percolation.
  • Oil Rigs with Fixed Downstems - A fixed downstem rig is more durable because of the anchored percolation in the bottom chamber of the rig. These rigs tend to have a lower profile and basic design and are called banger hangers.
  • Wax rigs with Percs - Filtration is less of an issue with dabbing, but if you take large dabs or dabs often, then a rig with good percolation is best. Percolator dab rigs cool down the vapor and filter it for a smoother hit.

Silicone Dab Rigs - These dab rigs are made with durability and versatility in mind. Silicone rigs can be dropped, folded, heated, and are available in many colors.

Buy Your Favorite Unqiue Dab Rig Online

Dab rigs can be smaller than regular water pipes, but don't be surprised that the price tags remain in the same range. We carry high-quality pieces that you can feel confident are an investment that will last a lifetime. You deserve the best dab rigs!

Check out the percs! Glass blowing artists continue to engineer amazing ways to diffuse and filter smoke, and they're are a lot of choices. Here's a guide all the different kinds of percolators!  Don't forget the nail! Dabbing requires a nail or banger to enjoy concentrates. We have an extensive collection in all sizes and materials.

Ready to Select Your Cute Dab Rig? We're Here to Help you anytime. Getting into dab rigs can be super fun. Oil rigs come in such a wide variety of shapes and designs that beginning a collection is easy.